We are thrilled to announce the achievements made by our BMS students at the 2022 Emerge Media Awards!
Congratulations to our students Jueun Park who won first place in Audio Storytelling, and Josh McKenna who received Honourable Mention in the Video Short Form category!
The Emerge Media Awards celebrates and showcases the achievements of Canadian postsecondary students in journalism, photography, graphic design and communications disciplines. They seek out and recognize the best writing, editing, videography, audio, graphic design, communications, marketing and public relations work done at colleges and universities, and invite work from institutions in all provinces and territories.
Meet our students, and learn more about their work below!
Jueun Park | BMS Year 3
First Place in Audio Storytelling
View Jueun’s work: “Lost Stream, Found”
Can you please describe your piece of work/share a bit about it?
This podplay, “Lost Stream, Found” was produced for the BMS Core Course CRWR 312: Interactive Storytelling course’s sustainability challenge. Inspired by Marion Penner-Bancroft’s 1994 installation of “Lost Streams” completed in collaboration with the City of Vancouver Park Board’s program, “Artist in Communities”, this podplay gives voice to the lost stream placed underground Kitsilano, flowing through the pipeline to English Bay. Water as the narrator speaks to the listener as a missed old friend longing for a re-connection. “Lost Stream, Found”, a site-specific interactive podplay, invites listeners to imagine the lost stream at the site of the experience, and reflect upon the relationship between humans and nature and our part in the local ecosystem.
What led you to submitting your work to Emerge Media Awards?
I remember seeing the works of previous EMA winners from BMS last year and being inspired to submit my own work this time. I am passionate in creating multi-media works, yet I often find myself being hesitant to share my work to the public, not knowing how or where to showcase my works. Programs like Emerge Media Awards that provides a space for undergraduate students’ projects, to me, was an opportunity, a platform. I hope that through this platform, my podplay, “Lost Stream Found” will reach out to broader audiences and encourage them to reflect upon the critical and timely theme about the changing climate and the impacts of interrelationship between human and nature on our local environments.
What does being an Emerge Media Awards winner mean to you?
I was very delighted to receive the news that I won the first place in Emerge Media Awards Audio Storytelling category. I am grateful to have gotten this opportunity to share my work to the public among other great works from fellow students. Having “Lost Stream, Found”, which raises critical questions about social and environmental issues through interactive audio storytelling, be recognized with an award is very meaningful to me. This award is a pleasureful reminder and a motivator for myself to continue making media works that merge art and the social space. I hope that by showcasing my work through Emerge Media Award, fellow students and artists will also be inspired and encouraged to pursue creating art that engages the public with social challenges and actions.
Josh McKenna | BMS Year 4
Honourable Mention in Video Short Form
View Josh’s work: “5 Degrees of Depression”
Can you please describe your piece of work/share a bit about it?
As the Ubyssey’s Video Editor, I was working in collaboration with the 2020/2021 Photo Editor from the Ubyssey, Jasmine Foong, to turn some of the articles from the 2021 Photos Issue into videos. The article 5 Degrees of Depression was a standout piece from that issue, so I met with Jasmine to discuss how best to turn it into a video. I wanted to feature the photos from that article in a way that would highlight and bring about a new way of viewing them through the medium of video. I drew inspiration from “draw my life” style videos that were popular on YouTube a few years back and filmed a video with planned out illustrations on a whiteboard, each new illustration interacting with one of the photos from the article. I thought it would be a cool way to feature the photos and add an extra visual element to them. Afterwards, the whole video came together with a voice over from Jasmine, who also wrote the article. I made sure to time up the illustrations so they’d be synced up with what she was saying and tossed some fitting music in the background. In the end we were both really happy with the finished product!
What led you to submitting your work to Emerge Media Awards?
Some of my fellow editors at the Ubyssey suggested that 5 Degrees of Depression would make a good submission for the Video Short Form category of the Emerge Media Awards. I was honoured to have something I’d worked on be submitted!
What does being an Emerge Media Awards winner mean to you?
It means a lot to have my work recognized by Emerge Media Awards. It definitely provides a huge confidence boost and makes me feel encouraged to take more risks with videos in the future!
I’d like to thank Emerge Media Awards for considering my work for the Video Short Form award!